土匪雞翼 Bandits Chicken Wings
雞翼 10pcs Chicken Wing
孜然粉 1 1/2tsp Ground Cumin
五香粉 1/2tsp Five Spice Powder
辣椒粉 1/2tsp Chili Powder
雞粉 1tsp Chicken Powder
砂糖 1/2tsp Sugar
生抽 1tsp Soy Sauce
紹興酒 1tsp Shao Hsing Chiew
麻油 1tsp Sesame oil
蠔油 1tsp Oyster sauce
黑芝麻 Black sesame
(如使用焗爐 180度 焗18-20分鐘)
pro rata
do I double the amounts if making more than 10 pieces of wings?