Posts tagged Salmon (Ingredient)

焗三文魚羊架配松露薯蓉 Roasted Lamb rack & ...

焗三文魚羊架配松露薯蓉 Roasted Lamb rack & Salmon with truffle potato mash
焗三文魚羊架配松露薯蓉 Roasted Lamb rack & Salmon with truffle potato mash 薯仔 2pcs potato 黑椒 少許 black pepper 鹽 1/4tsp salt 松露油 1/2tsp truffle oil 無鹽牛油 20g unsalted butter 淡忌廉 50ml whipping cream 羊架 250g Lamb rack 鹽 1/4tsp salt 黑椒 少許 black pepper 第戎芥末 3tsp Dijon mustard 雜香草 2g mixed herbs 麵包糠 10g breadcrumbs 三文魚柳 1pcs 忌廉芝士 15g cream cheese 黑椒 少許 [...]